Love Removes the Blindfold — the story behind the commission
When Angel first asked me to create a painting based off one of his poems, I was honored that my work would be in collaboration with another Creative. His poem, which speaks of the vulnerability in romance, eventually confirms that love can be blind.
poem by A. Rodriguez
Who wouldn’t be able to connect with Angel’s words? We know we’re wired for social connection, and romantic connection asks one to let go. Let go of what? If we’re not clear on what it is our relationship is asking us to let go of, we may end up letting go ourselves—choosing to no longer prioritize ourselves first.
my initial digital study for the painting
Angel’s poem brings one to a state of awareness that love is blind. When one gains awareness of the self, it must choose to work through dissonance to remember its wholeness. My painting is not only a reflection of the inherent truths in Angel’s poem, but also a response to any lost parts of the self. The revelation of gems by humanistic forms of nature reminds us that our preciousness is always presented to us. Whenever we are fortunate to gain the awareness that we are blind to love, it is transformational to remember that it is love who removes our blindfold.
Love Removes the Blindfold, Oil on Wood, 2025