Mother Daughter

Oil on Wood panel, 60 x 40.6 cm

Continuing the journey leads us to a shore.

Welcome to taking a closer look at your ancestral lineage.

Mother has the capacity to hold much life, beyond the comprehension of the mind. She is strongly interconnected with nature in that it chooses her for its home. Nature chooses Mother to multiply itself. The spider is calm yet firm in its protection of her eggs. Where there is an intimidating demeanor there are roots that smell of vulnerability.

Daughter is a conch on a mission. She is capable of expelling old ideologies that play in her mind, for she wants to create the film of her life under her own terms. Daughter is helped by the hand of her family tree to unravel her DNA so that she can employ autonomy.

Two figures in the distance make their way towards two large seashells. These are humans in what I have perceived to be their most basic and true form.

What one merely thinks they have mastered in understanding will always reappear again, echoing in the landscape of our experience. We can be sure of its cyclical nature when it feels Familiar.

Mother and Daughter may be two different shells, but they have been born from the same vast and mysterious womb of the water, and to the vastness one day they shall return.


When a Child Cares for Themself


Momentos de Respeto